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MMDA Number Coding Scheme

10:33 PM by Metro Manila Directions · 902 comments

The Number Coding Scheme (formally known as Unified Vehicular Volume Reduction Program and more mistakenly referred to as the Color Coding Scheme*) has been an essential know-how for drivers in Metro Manila, Philippines like how a child should know how to count from 1 to 10 before learning new lessons.

The scheme took effect in March 2003 as a new method to curb the high volume of vehicles plying on Metro Manila city roads in order to manage the peak-hour traffic. It's basically a re-implementation of some MMDA rules years earlier with the following original conditions:
1. Private and Public Utility Vehicles – from 7:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M.
2. Window Hours for Private Vehicles – from 10:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M.
3. Exempted from the UVVRP** – Provincial buses, shuttle buses, school buses and motorcycle units.
4. Makati City and the Municipality of San Juan will implement UVVRP (Number Coding) from 7:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. without window hours for private vehicles.
However, there were some modifications to the scheme during the years and the present terms according to the MMDA are the following (Update as of August 2010 April 2011 November 2011). We have the most updated and verified rules:
Thanks to Director Vergel De Dios and the Office of MMDA Chairman Inocentes for confirming the following:
1. Makati and Las Pinas. No window hours:  Number Coding is in effect from 7am to 7pm!
2. Marikina, Muntinlupa, and Taguig. No number coding.  So, feel free to roam around these cities anytime.

3. Pasig City has window hours of 9am to 4pm (note the 1 hour additional to the normal 10-3pm window).
4. Pasay City is implementing Number Coding except on the following roads: Ninoy Aquino Avenue, MIA Road, Domestic Road, Portions of Airport Road, Sales Road, Tramo and portions of Buendia.
5. EDSA, C5, Pres. Diosdado Macapagal Avenue, Roxas Blvd (Pasay), all other National, City, and Municipal Roads have window hours regardless of the city (meaning one can drive via EDSA in Makati any day).
6. For the rest of Metro Manila (Caloocan, Mandaluyong, Manila, Malabon, Navotas, parts of Pasay, Pateros, Quezon City, San Juan, and Valenzuela) number coding is in effect (window hours of 10am-3pm is also observed).
7. UPDATE: Paranaque will have number coding starting December 1, 2011. See the latest news here.

Number coding is not implemented on weekends. Suspension of number coding is normally observed on national and special holidays and may be stretched to before and/or after those dates depending on the need.

Again, the scheme says for a certain day of the week, some vehicles are prohibited. Specifically: on Mondays, vehicles with plate numbers ending 1 and 2 are not allowed, Tuesdays - 3 and 4, Wednesdays - 5 and 6, Thursdays - 7 and 8, Friday - 9 and 0. See the picture for quick reference.

Penalty: Confiscation of driver's license (for some cities), issuing of traffic violation ticket and minimum fine of P300.00 to be paid at redemption center (in Orense Street, Makati).

If your car is not yet registered or does not have any plates yet, MMDA will be basing your coding day on the conduction sticker located at the back of your car.

Note that these rules can change from time to time so to better make sure or to clarify information, call the MMDA Metrobase at 882-4151 to 77 local 213 and 255 or the MMDA hotline 136. Our latest update is based on June October 2010 April August 2011 October 2012.

*Years before the number coding scheme was implemented, the first traffic management scheme was color coding wherein vehicles are issued stickers to know when they will be banned. This term got stuck into the mind of drivers and thus was used going forward (until now).
**Aside from the vehicles mentioned above, the following are also exempted from the UVVRP: police patrol cars, military vehicles, ambulance, firetrucks, medical practitioner for military relief or emergency purposes, vehicles with diplomatic plates, vehicles with government plates or appropriately approved LTO stickers

Baguio city also has a number coding system being implemented.

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902 Responses to "MMDA Number Coding Scheme" «Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 902   Newer›   Newest»
Anonymous said...

What about commemorative plates?

Metro Manila Directions said...


Commemorative plates, according to the MMDA Metrobase, ARE NOT excluded in the color coding. Although it's hard for traffic enforcers to see if one disobeys the coding because commemorative plates do not show the last digit, they may flag down randomly or in very traffic-heavy spots. It's advisable to still follow the respective number coding per city.

FullMetalJacket said...

is UVVRP suspended for tomorrow? May 3?

Metro Manila Directions said...

Hi Alex, Makati will release an update early tomorrow morning. Will keep site updated. Please visit us again.

Metro Manila Directions said...

Hi again Alex, I misread your question - we doublechecked with MMDA Metrobase and they said that national holidays would lift number coding UVVRP - so May 3, tomorrow, there will be no color coding, including Makati.

Anonymous said...

Is skyway and SLEX exempted from the number coding scheme?

Metro Manila Directions said...

Hi, according to MMDA, Skyway and SLEX are not excluded from coding. But for sure, once there's window (10am-3pm), you are free to drive on these roads.

Anonymous said...

Hi. Will number coding on May 10 (Election Day) be lifted - including Makati?

Metro Manila Directions said...

Hello - just got recent update, number coding is suspended in whole Metro Manila on May 10 election day. For updates on number coding later on, please check our scrolling update sidebar ("Updates in the Metro").

joevi ericta said...

is may 11 number coding also suspended???

Metro Manila Directions said...

Hi Joevi - unfortunately since we're all back to normal today, number coding is not suspended.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I want to know if Paranaque is included in Number Coding. I am a bit confuse about my route. I will be driving towards Dona Soledad Ave to Airport, Terminal 3.

Metro Manila Directions said...

Hi, Paranaque has no color coding so feel free to drive towards the airport. I guess your route is Soledad - Multinational - airport Road?

Anonymous said...

is there a window along Edsa and C-5? Please advise

Anonymous said...

is there a window along Emerald and garnet road?

Metro Manila Directions said...


Yes, there is window along EDSA and C-5 as long as you travel between 10am-3pm.

There's also window along Emerald and Garnett Road around 10am-4pm.

Anonymous said...

how about taguig?

Metro Manila Directions said...

Hi - for Taguig, there's number coding. They also follow the 10am-3pm window hours.

Anonymous said...

really? shoot. i was told there is no coding in taguig. thanks!:D

Metro Manila Directions said...

Hmmm, that's interesting - kindly email us at feedback@metromaniladirections.com and we'll update you about it. We are currently coordinating with MMDA and Taguig office on the matter. :)

Unknown said...

how about private cars from isabela going to tagaytay where we drive thru NLEX and SLEX. am i exempted?

Metro Manila Directions said...

Hi Harold - since NLEX and SLEX still pass through cities in Metro Manila, you will still be subject to number coding so here's some key things to remember. If traveling during your coding day can't be avoided, travel within 10am-3pm in Metro Manila. NLEX touches Valenzuela, Caloocan, and QC; these cities observe coding windows. Then you go to EDSA which is a free zone. Then you go to SLEX and pass through Paranaque (no coding) and Muntinlupa which observes coding window. I think this route is manageable within 6 hours. Honestly, I think you only have trouble with coding when you take an exit during coding. For example, from Isabela, you will take the Balintawak exit. If you happen to get there before 10am or after 3pm, you might be prone to get caught. I dont think the highway patrolmen are in-charge of coding, but if an MMDA or QC traffic enforcer sees your car, you might be in trouble. On the other hand, if you pass by SLEX going south, no one will be able to catch you since it's the highway already. :) so to summarize: travel within 10am-3pm in Metro Manila and you are more prone to get caught if you are coming in than going out of Metro Manila, so just make sure you get into Metro Manila within 10am-3pm. Hope this helps!

MadFalcon said...

How about Fort bonifacio? Do they have number coding?

Metro Manila Directions said...

Hi, Fort Bonifacio area under Taguig has number coding but it has window hours from 10am to 3pm. Makati portion (Kalayaan Ave. area) does not have window hours so coding from 7am to 7pm.

Anonymous said...


In the answer posted on May 12 EDSA has window hours, but in the answer on May 18 you state EDSA is a free zone, so is EDSA free all day or only in the window hours?
On http://www.mmda.gov.ph/windowhr.html it states that for example EDSA is exempted from UVVRP, but on your page above you state that it only is open during window hours, so what is correct.
Please be so kind to clairify.

Metro Manila Directions said...

Hi Kaeb!

Sorry for the confusion, in the May 18 comment, when I mentioned EDSA is free zone, I meant during the 10a-3pm window hour.

General rule is: EDSA is still subject to MMDA window hours regardless of the city.

Thanks for visiting and clarifying that matter. hope this helps!

Unknown said...

Hi, Is Makati included on the suspension of number coding tomorrow, June 30 - inaguration of Pres. elect Noynoy aquino?

Metro Manila Directions said...

Hi bingmec2887! yes - Makati does not have number coding tomorrow. For further MMDA updates on number coding during holidays, you can consult the Updates in the Metro section on the sidebar (upper left). Hope this helps!

Unknown said...


is south superhighway in makati covered by the coding scheme even during window hour? thanks

Metro Manila Directions said...

Hi marnie, South Superhighway should not be covered by coding during window hour since it's a National Road. Hope this helps!

Unknown said...

Hi! Taguig has UVVRP? How true? I thought there's none?

Metro Manila Directions said...

Hi Glenn, based on what MMDA told us last June, Taguig follows the 10am-3pm window.

Unknown said...

Hi, I'm confused. I called MMDA Metro Base awhile ago and they told me that UVVRP (Number Coding) is not implemented in any areas of Taguig.

The name of the person I talked to is Alvin Laroco.

Metro Manila Directions said...

Hi Amy - we will try to get MMDA to clear this up. For the past months, we were told that Taguig follows 10am-3pm window. Kindly send an email to feedback AT metromaniladirections.com so we can update you directly together with our update in this article.

Ting Gomos said...

Is it true that the Window hours(10am to 3pm) of the Number coding is already suspended (until further notic) effective August 2. 2010? Meaning, there is no more Window ahours anywhere effected this date? Please confirm.

Ting Gomos said...

Is it true that the Window hours(10am to 3pm) of the Number coding is already suspended (until further notice) effective August 2. 2010? Meaning, there is no more Window ahours anywhere effective this date? Please confirm.

Metro Manila Directions said...

Hi Ting - we don't think so. The new memorandum is for exemptions to be deemed invalid and not for window hours.

ian said...

Great site! Thanks for the updates and the patience in answering queries.

I have some of my own-

1. Are Andrews Ave and Roxas Blvd (the segment within Pasay City) part of the number coding scheme? I ask this because, at least up until the time of Mayor Peewee Trinidad this May 2010, I saw "NC" signs posted along these two roads- NC meaning No Coding. Do you have info regarding the supposed NC status of these two roads?

2. I ask because I know the Pasay segment of Roxas is NC BUT as soon as I cross into the Manila segment of Roxas Blvd, I can now be caught by the MMDA on duty. I WAS caught once at the corner of Quirino and Roxas sometime in 2009 at around 8am.

So I'm sort of confused: I can go through Roxas' Pasay City segment at any time but as soon as I go past the CCP- for example- on the non-window hours, I can be caught/fined by the MMDA? Even if it's just one and the same road?

Hope you can clarify this for me =]

Metro Manila Directions said...

Hi Ian,

Thanks for supporting our site.

Roxas Blvd is covered by the MMDA number coding scheme. Basically, it has window hours regardless of the cities where it passes through. It is like EDSA, which does not care about the no-window hour rule in Makati. You can pass by EDSA-Makati as long as it is between 9am to 3pm.

To cut the explanation short, we believe that Roxas Blvd follows MMDA coding scheme. I am not sure why you were caught by MMDAs in Manila but maybe Pasay MMDAs are not located in Roxas Blvd when you passed by that area.

Hope this helps!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.

Unknown said...

Pasay area of Roxas, Macapagal and EDSA are exempted from Number Coding as per Pasay City Ordinance 2916. You can check the website of MMDA for more info.

You can only pass by EDSA-Makati between 10am to 3pm.

Metro Manila Directions said...

Thanks for that update Buds!

ian said...

thank you, MMD team =]

i also got this from the MMDA Twitter account-

"MMDA enforcer N.Galang posted useful info on Number Coding, Window Hours, & Places wer applicable in our Facebook page. http://bit.ly/a1onrc"

Unknown said...

hi, what if the vehicle(car) is for registration, doesn't have any plate no. because its brand new.. is it still covered by coding? thanks so much!

Metro Manila Directions said...

Hi Marissa,

In that case, the conduction sticker's last digit is being followed - that is the sticker at the back windshield of your car. :)

make sure also to ask your agent on what documents to show in case an mmda or city enforcer asks you about your new car. :)

hope this helps!

Unknown said...

does andrews avenue covered by number coding?

Metro Manila Directions said...

Hi according to MMDA tweet response, there's no number coding in Andrews Avenue.

Unknown said...

have a question. is DOTC rainbow plates with MIA accreditaion also has color coding?

Metro Manila Directions said...

Yup - all commemorative plates are NOT exempted in color coding.

Anonymous said...

hi, I would like to know if number coding is suspended for August 30, National Heroes Day. Thanks

Unknown said...

is there still window time for coding in manila? ( nagtahan, ust, area )

Metro Manila Directions said...

hi Simon - yes there's still window in manila - it's from 10am to 3pm. other than that, you can't drive around

Unknown said...


is the number coding suspended on Sep. 10?

Metro Manila Directions said...

Yup! suspended but no advice yet for Makati.

Metro Manila Directions said...

MMDA has already advised, there is no number coding tomorrow.

Unknown said...

Hi, I live in Fort Bonifacio and my son goes to Colegio San Agustin in Dasmarinas Village in Makati. I have to fetch my son at 12:30pm. Is the number coding scheme applicable to the route I will be taking --- The Fort, McKinley then inside Dasmarinas Village? Thanks

Metro Manila Directions said...

Hi rachelle, yup, your route is okay:) just enter Dasmarinas Village through Sanctuario and you'll be okay. Once you reach EDSA, you'll be prone to MMDA so just enter Dasmarinas through McKinley!

frederick said...

is there a number coding tommorow in metro manila?
thank you in advance.

Metro Manila Directions said...

hi frederick, you mean tuesday? Yes, things are back to normal tomorrow. For any changes, we'll update the right sidebar, on FB, and on twitter.

Hanz Carlo said...

is there a color coding on october 27, 2010, tommorow?

Metro Manila Directions said...

Hi Hanz - there is!

Unknown said...


Your site is really helpful!

I just wanna ask if there is number coding on Friday, 29-OCT-2010? I need to go to 6750 in Ayala.

Thanks a lot! Ü

Metro Manila Directions said...

hi Ave! there might be coding on Friday. We'll wait for updates from MMDA. They might suspend it on Monday (Nov 1).

Unknown said...

hi there, just wanna ask if there is a number coding within Susana to Bicutan area? thanks in advance

Metro Manila Directions said...

Hi William, if you're just passing through SLEX, there's no coding there. if you will pass through the city roads, kindly check with the list in the article above. hope this helps!

Luna said...


I'm coming from GMA, Cavite, going in SLEX from Southwoods exit, then C-5, and then Bonifacio Global City (and Vice-versa). Do you think my route is free from color coding?

Metro Manila Directions said...

Hi Bella - I think you are safe. Taguig is no coding so is SLEX. Happy driving and keep safe.

Unknown said...

i'll be from cavite. will i be caught if i pass through coastal road today?

Metro Manila Directions said...

hello- nope, coastal road does not have coding since it's a national road.

Unknown said...

is there still window time for coding in pasay?

Metro Manila Directions said...

yes josha, from 10-3

Anonymous said...

hello is makati coding today - 16 nov?

Metro Manila Directions said...

hi Randee - no coding today!

Unknown said...

Is the number coding window of 10am - 3pm observed in the whole stretch of Edsa (Monumento, Caloocan to Pasay)?

Anonymous said...


I just wanna ask if I'll get caught on a Friday (with a plate number of 0) if I'll go to Marikina using the following route: Mall of Asia (Pasay) - EDSA - White Plains (via QC) - Katipunan Ave. - Marikina?

Thanks for the help!

Metro Manila Directions said...

Hi Joey,

Nope - no number coding on whole stretch of EDSA. Just be careful on where you exit from EDSA. If you exit somewhere in Makati, you'll be up against the MMDA there.

Metro Manila Directions said...

Hi tiffany,

That depends on the time when you travel. If you travel between 10am to 3pm, you'll be safe.

Unknown said...


I'm driving a car with a plate number ending with a 9... my route will be East service road(taguig city)-villamor airbase-baclaran-roxas blvd.-kalaw ave. will I be caught? do you think my route will be free from color coding? thanks

Metro Manila Directions said...

hi, if you travel from 10am to 3pm, you will be fine. Paranaque doesnt have coding so feel free to travel anytime there.

kryzteta said...

Hi there! This site i really helpful. I was told that there are no window time for Alabang Zapote road. I'll be coming from Quezon City, will I get caught if I exit through Filinvest going to Alabang Town Center?

Metro Manila Directions said...

Hi Kryzteta - no window time for Alabang Zapote since it is in Muntinlupa that does not have coding. If you go EDSA-SLEX-Filinvest, you'll be fine.

numb said...

hi! is there a number coding in alabang-daang hari road? (that part where you are basically going out of alabang, passing by T.S. Cruz) if so, is there a window?

Metro Manila Directions said...

that's already bordering Las Pinas, I think. Muntinlupa has no coding, so feel free to drive. but if you get to Las Pinas, that's where coding starts, and there is no window.

better said...

Hi! I just wanted to verify, on holidays, the coding is lifted right? On Monday, the 29th NOV, will I be free to drive around then even though my plate ends with 1? Thanks much!

Metro Manila Directions said...

hi Rein - certainly!

John said...

Would it be possible to have a sticky at the top of this blog, showing a map of Manila showing the main roads and coloured to show the different all-day, the window and of course those roads which allowed all day??
I live outside Manila, but I am forced to travel there on occasion, and I always get confused which are the good roads I can use when I am restricted...

Metro Manila Directions said...

John & Frances -

That sounds good! We'll aim for that. Thanks so much for the feedback!

Unknown said...

hi i'm from cavite and i'm going to mabini via coastal road, qurino is it safe to drive because my car is coding tomorrow.

fritz said...

hello we're from baguio and we are planning to go to pampangga then manila on the 21 of dec.our plate number ends with 2.will there'll be suspension of color coding from dec. 18-30?because of the holidays?tnx very much..Godbless

Metro Manila Directions said...

Hi, I am only sure for Dec 30 since it's Rizal day. We will verify with MMDA if 24 will be no coding also.

fritz said...

im sorry my mistake but our plate number ends with 4 pala =).is it safe to travel from nlex to slex by edsa?meron din po bang coding sa san frenando?

Metro Manila Directions said...

NLEX to SLEX by EDSA is safe :) no coding is applied on EDSA.

Anonymous said...

Hi! How about the conduction number? I don't have my plate pa, but yesterday nahuli ako or i must say natyempuhan ako ng mapsa sa my buendia area going sm hypermart/osemena.I've been traveling with this area for almost 1 and half month but kahapon lang ako nasita.
My conduction number ends at 4 so bawal daw ako ng makati ng 7am to 7pm (no window) pag Tuesday. Same rules daw will apply with the number coding.That incident happened around 10:30 am. I'm not aware na di pala exempted pag wala ka pang plate at conduction palang.
Can you clarify? thanks!

Unknown said...

hi, my mom told me that she thought she saw a sign board along buendia going inside the CBD area that says there's a 10am-3pm window in makati? is this true? i thought makati has no window hours. thanks.

Metro Manila Directions said...

Hi Del - yes, kapag wala kang plaka, conduction number ang ginagamit. Your agent should have told you that. And your agent should also be pressured to give you your plate already. 1.5 months is too long for you to wait.

Metro Manila Directions said...

hi Arlene - revised MMDA coding scheme this month adds portions of Buendia to those excluded from number coding scheme. http://twitter.com/mmdirections/status/12740902258741248

Metro Manila Directions said...

hi Arlene - kindly refer to this instead:

Anonymous said...

Hi! Thanks for the clarification.
Your site is very helpful. Yes, i will pressure my agent to release my plate.

yamykcul said...

sir, may coding scheme po ba sa quirino ave.?thanks po! coding po kasi today yung kotse namin, and we have to go to t.u.p-manila. our plate number ends with "3"

Metro Manila Directions said...

hello - meron. :(

Unknown said...

Hi! I would like to know if color coding is in effect in the vicinity of Pacita Complex in San Pedro thru SM Muntinlupa up to Muntinlupa Cityhall? I'll be coming from GMA Cavite via Binan Laguna route. Please advise, thank you in advance.

Metro Manila Directions said...

Muntinlupa has no coding, so just use SLEX then Muntinlupa. You can also use Coastal, but dont exit in las Pinas

Unknown said...

if you say window hours, does it mean i can use my car within that time even if I'm coding?please clarify, I'm just a new driver here in manila..thanks..

Kid at heart said...

Why is there no coding for motorcycles? They are, after all, motor vehicles as well. And with their growing sheer number, they are space occupying lesions on the already clogged streets of metro manila! What exempts them from the number coding scheme? They have license plates also!

John said...

So if I was coming off the SLEX in Makati and going straight onto Pres. Osmena Highway onto Pres. Quirino in Quezon after 10.00 but before 15.00hrs then on that short stretch off road is where I could be caught?? on the day I am coded??

jeaneojan said...

coding po bukas ang van namin...taga cavite po ako at susundo ako sa airport tomorrow...sa coastal road po ang daan ko...wala po bng coding dun...then papunta po ng airport terminal 3?

Metro Manila Directions said...

ian - yes, you can use your car during that window of opportunity. :)

Metro Manila Directions said...

@kid at heart - same question. We can ask MMDA about it. But i think the number of cars really outnumber motorcycles maybe by ten-fold so there's no need to impose coding there yet. We cannot impose to motorcycles if we havent cleaned and tried perfecting cars/vehicles yet.

Metro Manila Directions said...

John - yes, Quirino in Manila, not in Quezon City. there might be some Manila squads there. you can call MMDA 136 hotline to double check.

Metro Manila Directions said...

hi jeaneojan, no coding there. drive safely!

Unknown said...

May coding ba for today? December 23?

Metro Manila Directions said...

yup- may coding. bukas wala.

thenewguy said...

If I'm from manila and going to Bicutan then to Fort Bonifacio.

My route would be
Manila -> Roxas -> Edsa -> SLEX -> Bicutan
Bicutan -> SLEX -> C5 -> Fort Bonifacio.

I should be okay right? as long as i passed by during the Window?

Unknown said...

until when is the number coding scheme suspended, anybody knows the duration and when is the start date?


Metro Manila Directions said...

hi latittude, per MMDA, 24, 27 and 31.

Metro Manila Directions said...

hi thenewguy, you'll be all fine:)

Anonymous said...

Hi...Dec 30 is Rizal Day. Is the numbers coding suspended?

Metro Manila Directions said...

Hello biyernes13, the Dec30 holiday was moved to Monday, which is today, 27. So on 30, there will be number coding.

Unknown said...

What are the places that has window hours, no coding and no window hours tomorrow 12/28/10? My route is from Cainta Rizal going to bocaue bulacan? my ways are ortigas, c5, edsa and nlex. thank you

Anonymous said...

hello! i'm going to sanctuario de san antonio in taguig tomorrow (dec. 28, 2010), and my car is affected by the number coding. so from malabon, i'll be passing monumento taking edsa to C5 going taguig, as per your description on number coding, i can pass by the mentioned places, am i correct?

Unknown said...

Sir, am i able to fetch somebody from the airport by passing thru sucat paranaque.

dentista co said...

my family is going on a new year vacation at a makati hotel, however our car plate ends in 8 and tomorrow is not a holiday as it was moved last monday.

1. if i pay 300 pesos will they still get my license, it would be a big hassle for me to pick up my license for i lived in tarlac.

2. if i pay it once will i need to pay every inspector i passed by? from edsa going to makati?

3. i am a doctor, and my wife is pregnant, could that be an excuse?

Metro Manila Directions said...

gian - sorry for the late reply but i think you are safe

emman - sorry for the late reply but i think you were fine.

renz - yup, you can!

harris - #1 and 2 are bad ways. #3 if true can be an excuse.

wasmir said...

Hello. Is the color coding lifted today, December 30th? Thanks and Happy New Year.

Unknown said...

From Manila, what roads should be taken during the window hours to go to the airport?

piPAU said...

sir do we have a 10am-3pm window in mandaluyong city? tnx!

Anonymous said...

Good Eve,
My car is coding tomorrow, but I will travel from Pasay (FB Harrison) going to
Q.C (Maginhawa Teachers Village).
Can I travel to this area using EDSA road?


Madis said...

Why do there have to be variations with coding regulations among cities and municipalities around the metro? Only creates confusion! If that's the case then better get the word "Metro" off MMDA! Obvious political insecurities, Geez!

Metro Manila Directions said...

Hello Madis - we have the same questions but I think that's also part of the check and balances. Each town can put their own ordinances.

Unknown said...

im from cavite my car is coding tomorrow (thursday) im going to airport. can i pass thru MIA road at 4-5pm?LITO

Metro Manila Directions said...

Hello Lito - you can pass by Mia tomorrow.

J said...
This comment has been removed by the author.

Unknown said...

Will there be color coding on February 25, 2011? It is a holiday for students, but not for workers.

Metro Manila Directions said...

hi Yukitsu - there will still be coding!

Poksie said...

hi, my route from my house in LRT Buendia to My office in Market2x (in BGC taguig) is via the following roads:

Buendia > Edison > Faraday > SLEX > Nichols Interchange > Lawton Ave (Gate 3) > Global City > Market2x


Buendia > Edison > Faraday > SLEX > EDSA (via Magallanes Flyover) > McKinley Rd. > Global City > Market2x

Will I have problem if I use my car (plate# ends in 9) on Friday?

Also, Can you explain this statement for Pasay - "Pasay City is implementing Number Coding except on the following roads: ... and portions of Buendia."? Can you specify which part of Buendia?

thanks so much in advance

Metro Manila Directions said...

Pasay-Buendia would be the part past Taft Avenue.

As long as there are no Mapsa before you get to SLEX, you'll be fine. SLEX to Market Market route is already safe zone.

Poksie said...


but the 10am-3pm window is in effect on my route right?..

Metro Manila Directions said...

The window won't work in Makati. Only when you get to SLEX, you'll be free.

CLIPS said...

Hi, can I pass through c5 to julie vargas and megamall without getting caught when there is coding?

Unknown said...


I am from Bacoor, Cavite and will be going to NAIA Terminal 3 at around 11:30am and going back to Cavite at around 2pm. What route should I take so that i will not be caught during my coding?

Is it safe for me to take this route going to NAIA term 3? coastal rd> right to mia rd> left to domestic Rd> right to airport rd going straight to NAIA Terminal 3.

Then from NAIA Terminal 3 to Bacoor, Cavite... NAIA 3 straight to airport rd> left to roxas blvd going straight to coastal rd to cavite.


Metro Manila Directions said...

Hello CLIPS - just pass through C5 when there is window in number coding.

Metro Manila Directions said...

Hello kenjiken28 - I think that's a safe approach. all roads leading to NAIA is safe from number coding. Also, since you'll be traveling between 10-3pm, that itself is a good assurance.

kharen said...

hi..im from batangas..just want to be sure our safe route to naia. what will be tha safe time for us to travel? is there a coding in slex?we'll be leaving here at 8am.. and what is window hours?

Unknown said...

Hi! I live in Paranaque and drives to school in Fort Bonifacio area which is in Taguig. In your post, it says that number coding in paranaque and taguig is not implemented. Is it still the same today?

Unknown said...

HI!iam from pampanga, i just want to ask if it is safe to pass EDSA up to NAIA during window hours? or can you suggest a best route from EDSA going to NAIA? Thanks

Metro Manila Directions said...

Hello kharen/arlinamsalazar: yes, no coding on your way to NAIA especially coming from EDSA

Jr: yes, no coding there. :)

Unknown said...

How about if you will pass by C5-Makati, 10am to 3pm will you get caught? Because we will be going to Santa Rosa Laguna, Enchanted Kingdom, How can I avoid getting caught by the Makati Police/Traffic Aid.

Please reply thank you


Unknown said...

Hi, how about coming from SLEX going to NAIA terminal 1? is it ok to travel during coding day via Sales RD (Villamor)- andrews ave - domestic rd - NAIA rd - imelda ave?
How about going back? is the airport rd/andrews ave towards villamor a one-way?
appreciate your help... Dennis

Metro Manila Directions said...

Nikko, from C5 going to Sta Rosa Laguna, you're free from coding. C5 and SLEX are national roads.

Engr Dennis, that's a coding-free route. Dont worry :)

Unknown said...

hi, i'm fetching my cousin from NAIA. problem is, my plate number ends in 4 on tuesday. Are there any alternative routes whatsoever that i could pass through. i'm from nueva ecija.thanks!

Pretty Gorgeous said...

Thank you for updating the number coding scheme :) Good timing I will be in SanJuan later and thank God sanjuan have window hours na pala.

Thank you MMDA

Aris said...

its holy week there is coding?

Metro Manila Directions said...


Unknown said...

1. is alabang-zapote road in las pinas a national road?

2. if not, is it okay to just cross it (just one intersection or a mere 4 lanes of the road) from bf resort area in las pinas to bf paranaque where there is no number coding?

andypogs said...

im workig at ortigas and i usually park at shangrila mall....my route is from slex to edsa and straight to shanrila...will i be safe from the color coding scheme thanks in advance

Ellaine said...

im from bulacan my car is coding tomorrow (thursday) im going to airport. what time is the best for me to travel? ... i must be in Naia terminal 1 at 8pm

Is it safe for me to take this route going to NAIA term 1? Edsa> flyover, Aurora Boulevard>Right turn to airport road> left to airport rd , landmarks Petron MiA car check , right to zest airways, going straight to NAIA Terminal 1..


Anonymous said...

I am a foreigner who will be renting a car from Hertz or Avis. Are rental cars exempted from this? I will be travelling around Makati and Manila and other days from Makati to Pampanga ( via EDSA and North expressway) to Lipa, Batangas ( via North Express way to EDSA to South Expressway). The problem is that I need to get to where I am going in the morning and may be driving before 10am and after 3pm. If my rental is number coded for that day, is it my fault? I think there should be an exemption for car rentals?

general said...

hi mmda..im jun from cavite..id like to know if there a colorcoding from cavite to naia airport passing by roxas blvd??

DinnerForTwo said...

Hi, which part of Fort Bonifacio is affected by Makati no window scheme? I was told that there's an intersection where MMDA waits for violators.. and it's just a crossing.
I'll be coming from Bayani Road going to First Street.

m24so said...

may coding po ba sa san juan bukas june 24??? kasi san juan day po bukas..... thanks....

BSamson said...

Hi. I've been reading the posts and am more confused. The MMDA post says EDSA and the national roads observe window hours. Now you say they are not. The MMDA post says Taguig does not observe the coding scheme (along with Paranaque) but as I read down readers' comments, you say Taguig is subject to coding. I've noted the MMDA post in my cellphone as guide but reading the readers' comments and your answers reveal different info. What is my guide now?

RLicuanan said...

We just moved to Molino 3, Bacoor, Cavite a week ago. Is there a color-coding scheme or similar being implemented in Cavite? My plate ends 1.

An immediate reply will be highly appreciated.

freyritz said...

Are window hours applicable in Osmena Highway most particularly passing Buendia/Cash and Carry area? Thanks :)

nialac said...

What about along Magapagal Ave Pasay City ?

dodo said...

Hi, I live her in Cagayan de Oro city and I’m having my new job in Manila. I don’t really know any thing about this number coding scheme until I’ve read those messages. I was planning to bring my motorcycle with me along and it has an ending number of (6).
My question is what I should do first for my motorcycle to be a law abiding vehicle in terms of this number coding scheme.
Do I have to register to a certain government agency like MMDA, or do I have to transfer my vehicles registrations address from Cagayan De Oro to Manila, or do I have to register again at LTO Manila even if I’m already registered this year in my home town of Cagayan De Oro city?
What should I do first???
I really need your help; Manila has different way of doing their traffic compare to other city. As like other ordinary people, I’m afraid that some corrupt enforcer or LTO agent might make money out of me even no traffic law was violated.

A many Thanks to you realy ,

CK said...

Hi, Just like to know if i would still be caught for color coding if i drive during window hours:
Route1: manila to naia 3, via taft then osmena then skyway (Im afraid il get caught around osmena)
Route2: Naia 3 to ortigas, via skyway then buendia then edsa ( im entering makati thru gil puyat, is it ok?)

Please help me clarify. Thank you very much. I dont know any alternative routes so if you could tell me another one when theres window hours, that would be great. Thank you

Anonymous said...

Pag galing po ng sta.rosa laguna papunta ng airport? Meron po ba coding pag pasok ko ng sucat exit ng slex tapos going to naia? Thanks!

Law Abiding Citizen said...

just wanted to clarify on the rule on senior citizens? sabi kasi ng friend ko basta may sakay o nagdridrive na senior citizen sa isang sasakyan, exempted na raw ang sasakyan na yun sa coding? tama po ba?

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Hi, I just want to ask how to go to Muntinlupa Municipal Hall, coming from Starmall, Shaw Blvd. I'll be riding on my motorcycle. Thanks, ur feedback will be greatly appreciated! :)

danielle rogio said...

hi, is there coding restrictions in laguna?

pauiglizabet said...

Hi! We will go to NAIA tomorrow around 5am and it so happened that our vehicle plate number ends 0, what time can we pass towards Roxas Blvd. - Manila then exit to NLEX

need english said...

i am wanting to travel from paranque to marcos-highway what is best route to take,, and to avoid getting on skyway ,,,, i have a 110 honda new ,, last number on plate is 6

Angge said...

hi anybody could help me? i'm from cavite I'll be going to church in baclaran. pwede ba ako dumaan dun for window hours? andami kasing blue boys dun eh. thanks for the help. :)

John said...

I went to Manila today with a friend in his car, he was colour coded for today or whatever its called, when I advised him he would be stopped, he said he was a pensioner, and would show his driving licence if stopped, as the ban does not apply to him???
Is there any truth in this??? if so does this also apply to foreign residents

jeyemem said...

Hi, I'm going to PAL Learning center on Wednesday (14 September)at around 4pm to 8:30pm I'll be driving along Roxas boulevard, P Faura, UN Ave. Is coding in effect on these streets?

curt052000 said...

hi I am from Caloocan City and I need to go to The Fort Taguig what is the best route so that I can use my car even if it is coding???? thanks!

mg said...
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mg said...

Cainta is in Rizal therefore not a part of Metro Manila so no coding there.

Read more: http://www.webdesign.net.ph

Unknown said...

In your post it states that :

4. Makati City and the Municipality of San Juan will implement UVVRP (Number Coding) from 7:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. without window hours for private vehicles.

however there is another entry which states that:
6. For the rest of Metro Manila (Caloocan, Mandaluyong, Manila, Malabon, Navotas, parts of Pasay, Pateros, Quezon City, San Juan, and Valenzuela) number coding is in effect (window hours of 10am-3pm is also

which is true? is there a 10am to 3pm window in San Juan City?

Metro Manila Directions said...

You might be looking in the wrong article?:)

rhea said...

good morning...my car is coding on the 4th of november...im going to the airport from bacoor cavite around 7 in the morning..will i be safe as i pass thu coastal then right turn to the side of park 'n fly? i'm not familiar of the road's name...un po b ang MIA road?

Pabalik i will be passing thru domestic road papunta n po ako ng FTI taguig...dpo b koh uhulihin ng mga nagbabantay sa kalsada? Just wanna make sure my travel is safe..

isa ko pang prob is un mismo ang xpiration date ng license ko..may office po b ang LTO ngauN so i can hv my licinse renewal? thanks

lynne romero said...

Just want to ask I am a operator of taxi but I only have one. it has an ending plate of 3 so it falls on nov. 1, 2011. the number coding is lifted at that time but can a public like taxi can travel anywhere in metro manila. we need a service on that day so we can visit our love ones in memorial park. thanks

Metro Manila Directions said...

yep, it's good to travel. no number codng until nov 2

ripcore said...

How can I go to the airport from ortigas ave. during the coding day of my car? Is it possible?

KevinSigue said...

pwede ba dumaan ng osmena highway going to sky way during window hours, di nman loob ng makati un. thanks.

red said...

magkano bayad sa color coding violation sa las pinas?

Anonymous said...

Hi my son will go to CSA this coming June. And we will be coming from Pasig. My route going there would be C5, The fort, McKinley then dasma village. will I get apprehended in case? thanks

mailliw_17 said...

From San Fernando will take NLEX then Balintawak EDSA will exit in Aurora Blvd. then Airport Road then domestic road naia road all the way to NAIA will this route obderve the window hours of 10-3? Thanks..

enuj said...

Is there any exemption for vehicles carrying senior citizens and/or persons with disabilities?

roce said...
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edgar said...

Taga meycauayan po ako.. my ihahatid akong ikakasal sa manila city hall.. ask ko lng kung my coding bukas december 21, 2011..

Joey said...

Good morning.
Kelan po ang suspension ng coding?
May coding po ba bukas Dec. 22, 2011.?

Raffy said...

Hi.. just want to know if the Color Coding is lifted today 23Dec11??? Last year (24Dec2010, Friday)color coding was lifted.

criszamora1974 said...

gud pm po..may codeng po ba simula bukas.....dec 26,2011..tnx

Metro Manila Directions said...

Yep! May coding bukas, Dec 26

Jo said...

gud morning!! meron po bang coding sa may magallanes U turn Slot along SLEX?
galing ako ng SLEX papuntang Terminal 3 airport

eeevev said...

hi good morning ! magkno po b ang penalty fee sa color coding?

Metro Manila Directions said...

Hi Jo: Dapat wala doon, kasi SLEX siya. :)

Hi eeevev: P300, no confiscation of license and babayaran sa Metrobank. Pero kung traffic enforcers ang nanghuli like sa Makati, mga P500 yata.

Jekcah said...
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